Carnivore Experiment - Week 5 of 12 was pretty much the same as week 4. I have been thinking that there may not be much to report from week 5 to 12 if things keep going the same.
I did have a few dinners in restaurants this week that I was able to stick to carnivore for one of them but the second dinner I did indulge in some veggies, bread, and a flourless chocolate cake.
If you missed it, click here to read Week 4 of 12
You may be interested in this list of Carnivore Diet Snacks.

Blood Sugars
Most of my reading this week were usually around 5.9. I did do some fasting because I knew I was going out for dinner a couple of times so I want to balance out the week.
Carnivore Experiment - Week 5 of 12
Carnivore Experiment - Week 5 of 12 - As I was saying I did go out for dinner twice this week. On Wednesday I went to a BBQ joint so it was safe for me. This was what I ate in the picture above with my niece.
She ordered the mac and cheese, potatoes and ribs. I had the brisket, sausage and wings. I love eating at BBQ joints because I feel like I can eat like a carnivore without having to ask for modifications like removing the bun or veggies.
The second night out I went to a somewhat upscale restaurant for a birthday dinner. I had a goat cheese salad which was melted on a slice of crisp bread on-top of a bed of frise greens.
Also had a steak with root veggies and asparagus and for dessert I enjoyed a flourless chocolate cake. I enjoyed the meal with no guilt, in fact it was the first time in 5 weeks that I "cheated" beyond some greens.
The next day I felt fine and realized that it's better to "cheat" on carnivore with some veggies, then to "cheat" on keto with a lot of carby foods. I was fine digestively and didn't notice and difference on the toilet.
Gym Routine
Same deal with the gym, I did not increase my weights this week and felt good with my workouts. Definitely feeling stronger then ever and truly enjoy going to the gym. I have not felt this way about the gym in a very very long time.
Carnivore Experiment - Pooping
Still normal in this area. Nothing to report.
I gained 1.5 pounds this week, total weight-loss is -5.5 lbs. It might be the non carnivore meal I had on Friday night or just gaining muscle weight. I feel slimmer and stronger, my clothes are looser.
Carnivore Experiment
Other Side Effects
I continue to be cold while I am sleeping at night, especially my feet. Not sure what is going on here, maybe I'm not eating enough? I usually feel this way when I fast but notice I am cold on days I am not fasting.
I will update you next Monday on how week 6 went for me.
Supplements I am using while doing Carnivore are:
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